Empowered by the Spirit

Nov 26, 2023    Pastor Cary T. Nelson, PhD

In this powerful sermon, Pastor Cary emphasizes the importance of being continually filled with the Holy Spirit to live a victorious Christian life. The message begins by revisiting the foundational truths of the Word of God and the significance of Jesus’ name and His blood, which cleanses and sanctifies believers. The speaker references Revelation 12:11, highlighting how believers overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.

The sermon then shifts focus to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, citing Acts 1:8, which promises believers the dynamite power of the Holy Spirit to be witnesses for Christ. The speaker explains the role of the Holy Spirit in providing guidance, direction, and the ability to avoid the traps set by the enemy. Emphasizing the importance of listening to the Holy Spirit, the message encourages believers to avoid feeling pressured and to trust in God’s timing.

The speaker draws parallels to Old Testament practices, such as the use of the Urim and Thummim by priests to seek God’s direction, and how believers today have the Holy Spirit within them to provide guidance. The sermon also highlights the continuous need for the Holy Spirit’s anointing, comparing it to rivers of living water that should constantly flow in and out of believers’ lives.

The message concludes with a passionate call for the congregation to seek a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit daily, to remain on fire for God, and to allow the Holy Spirit to overflow from their lives, impacting their community and beyond. The speaker prays for a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit, asking God to fill each person with His presence and power.