Standing in Faith

Oct 6, 2024    Pastor Cary T. Nelson, PhD

In this inspiring message, Pastor Cary Nelson encourages believers to stand strong in their faith and not be overcome by fear. Drawing from scriptures such as 2 Timothy 1:7 and 1 John 4, Pastor Cary emphasizes that God has not given us a spirit of fear but one of power, love, and a sound mind. He challenges the congregation to recognize that fear, doubt, and unbelief do not come from God but either from within ourselves or from the enemy.

Throughout the sermon, Pastor Cary illustrates the concept of overcoming fear by recounting stories from the Bible, such as Peter walking on water and David defeating Goliath. He encourages the congregation to go back to the Word of God when facing life’s “giants” and to allow their faith to grow through hearing the Word. He explains that mature love casts out fear, and as believers grow in their understanding of God’s love, their faith will become stronger, enabling them to resist the devil and overcome life’s challenges.

The message concludes with a call to cast all cares upon God, trusting in His ability to handle every trial and difficulty. Pastor Cary reminds the congregation that faith comes by hearing the Word, and it is through a strong relationship with God that fear is defeated and faith prevails.