Returning to Your First Love

Sep 15, 2024    Pastor Cary T. Nelson, PhD

In this heartfelt sermon, Pastor Cary Nelson emphasizes the importance of returning to our "first love"—Jesus Christ—and building a deeper relationship with God. He begins by reflecting on how modern distractions and the busyness of life often pull believers away from nurturing their connection with the Lord. Pastor Cary reminds the congregation that, like any meaningful relationship, knowing God requires time, presence, and a genuine desire to grow closer to Him.

Drawing from various scriptures, including Revelation 2:1-5 and Psalm 63:1, Pastor Cary illustrates how easy it is to get caught up in works and activities while forgetting the true purpose: to know and love God more intimately. He shares personal anecdotes and biblical stories to underscore the need for a spiritual reality check—examining whether our actions reflect a deep, abiding love for Christ or simply a routine of religious activity.

Pastor Cary calls on believers to set aside time to "hang out with the Lord," to seek Him earnestly, and to prioritize their relationship with Him above all else. He concludes with a challenge to the congregation: to evaluate their spiritual lives, identify areas where they've left their first love, and commit to rekindling their relationship with Jesus.