It Is Well

Sep 8, 2024    Bob Walton

In this compelling message, guest speaker Bob Walton explores the profound impact of speaking life into difficult situations and trials. Drawing from the story of the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4, Bob emphasizes the power of faith-filled words in the face of adversity. He shares how the Shunammite woman, despite the death of her son, chose to speak words of life, saying, "It is well," rather than succumbing to despair.

Bob urges the congregation to be mindful of their words when facing tests and trials, explaining that life and death are in the power of the tongue, as stated in Proverbs 18:21. He discusses the tendency to speak negatively about our situations and the importance of surrounding ourselves with people who will speak life and faith into our circumstances.

The sermon also highlights the importance of holding on to God's promises and approaching Him boldly in prayer, much like the Shunammite woman did. Bob encourages believers to remember past miracles and use them as a source of strength during current trials. He concludes by inviting those experiencing tests and trials to come forward for prayer, reassuring them that God is always with them, ready to help them through their darkest moments.