Fertile Soil

Oct 20, 2024    Bob Walton

In this insightful sermon, associate pastor Bob Walton addresses the condition of our hearts in relation to God’s Word, drawing from the parable of the sower in Matthew 13. Bob explores the different types of soil that Jesus describes—each representing a heart’s readiness to receive and grow in God’s Word. He emphasizes the importance of cultivating “good ground” in our hearts so that the Word of God can take root, grow, and bear fruit.

Bob uses personal anecdotes and relatable farming imagery to explain how distractions, hardships, and the cares of the world can prevent the seed from growing. He encourages the congregation to be mindful of how they receive God’s Word and to cast their cares upon the Lord. Bob also touches on the power of speaking life into situations and staying grounded in the Word during trials. His message is a call for believers to actively cultivate their hearts by studying the Word, praying, and allowing God to remove any obstacles that prevent spiritual growth.

The sermon concludes with a prayer asking God to soften any hardened hearts and for the Holy Spirit to guide believers in growing and spreading the Kingdom of God.