Faith Over Fear

Sep 22, 2024    Pastor Cary T. Nelson, PhD

In this stirring message, Pastor Cary Nelson encourages believers to embrace faith over fear, drawing on powerful biblical stories to illustrate the importance of standing firm in the promises of God, even in the face of overwhelming circumstances. Pastor Cary begins by reflecting on the challenges that have been affecting the world, both politically and spiritually, urging the congregation to "turn the tide" and stand up boldly as followers of Christ.

Drawing from stories like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s fiery furnace ordeal in Daniel 3, and Peter’s walk on water in Matthew 14, Pastor Cary emphasizes the necessity of not being moved by fear or by what we see, hear, or feel in the physical world. Instead, believers are called to live by faith, trusting in God’s protection, guidance, and promises. He explains that fear does not come from God and encourages the congregation to take authority over fear in their lives, casting it out in the name of Jesus.

The message concludes with a powerful call for believers to live courageously in faith, trusting that God will deliver them from trials, just as He did for the heroes of faith in the Bible. Pastor Cary reassures the congregation that, no matter the challenges ahead, God is with them and His promises are true.