Minecraft Group: Code of Conduct

Welcome to our Minecraft community! We are excited to gather together, build, explore, and create in our new virtual world. We’re also looking forward to learning from God’s Word and how Minecraft can help us learn important lessons about His love for us. Below are the rules and guidelines for our group to ensure a fun and safe environment for everyone.

General Rules

  • Be kind and respectful to everyone and follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you want to be treated.  We are believers in Christ, and our attitudes and behaviors should reflect that.
  • Celebrate each other's successes. Be encouraging and supportive of your fellow players.
  • Use your creativity to reflect your faith. Let your builds demonstrate your understanding of God's love and grace. Please no dark, sinister or evil builds or imagery.
  • Help others build, explore, and solve problems. Share your resources and be generous.
  • Show compassion and forgiveness.  If someone accidentally injures you or damages your build, try to understand and forgive them. Vengeance is the Lord’s, not ours.
  • No stealing. Though the resources are virtual, the time spent in-game to acquire them is not. Please respect others and ask for resources instead of just taking them. Build friendships instead of enemies.


  • Communicate respectfully.  Use clear and concise language, and avoid personal attacks or arguments.
  • No spamming, swearing, or inappropriate language during our meetings or in the chat. This will get you banned.
  • Discord requires a minimum age of 13. There is in-game chat available and it will reflect in Discord, so you will be able to communicate with the rest of the group. Do not lie about your age to acquire a Discord account.

Gameplay & Server Rules

  • No cheating, hacking, or exploiting. Let's play fair and use our creativity to build, explore and conquer.
  • No griefing or destroying others' builds without permission.  Be mindful of how your actions impact others.
  • Respect in-game limitations and avoid exploiting glitches. The server and the work done by the players in-game reflect their time and effort, so respect it. Use your skills and resources for good.
  • No duping of valuable items. The world economy is to encourage productivity and community.

Additional Guidelines

  • We will hold regular in-person and online meetings to discuss our progress, share ideas, and engage in goals and missions.  These meetings will be a great opportunity to connect with and encourage one another, so please attend and stay involved please attend in person when you can.
  • Help build and sustain our community both in Minecraft and IRL. As this is an outreach, please consider inviting others to our meetings to join up and help us spread the Gospel message.
  • You are encouraged to participate in building projects regardless of your skill level.  This is a great way to work together and learn from each other. Utilize your strengths and identify and encourage the strengths in others and focus on a common goal.
  • Your suggestions and contributions are welcome and encouraged. Your involvement in our server will keep it vibrant, engaging, and fun.
  • Please report any inappropriate behavior to the leader of your local group. We want to ensure a great experience for everyone.
  • Let's have fun and enjoy each other's company, and more importantly, draw closer to God!

Now Let's Go Have Some Fun!

We are looking forward to building a strong and supportive community! If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to Pastor Dave (BadgerFish71 in-game), and we’ll see you on C4C!